We are all investors. We invest time, money, and resources. Our mission is to help you appreciate those investments.

Sarah enjoying her financial freedom

Are you resentful that school didn’t teach you basic personal economics such as how to fill out taxes, what to do when you get a bonus, and how to build credit without also building debt? My name is Alex, and I’m here to help you with those questions and more.


Current Brand Strategy

What to expect from Appreciating Interest in the coming month.

Social Media Strategy »

Who the heck am I?

My name is Alex Holden, and I want to give people the power to free themselves from a system of poverty caused by lack of information. See my own financial journey below.

My Finances (arriving in January) »

Open-Door Policy

I want to be as transparent as possible with you. Follow my blog to get updates on my personal financial endeavors: success and failure alike.

Appreciating Interest Blog »


Who even are you?!

Hi! I’m Alex, and I have a penchant for studying personal finance and helping people. I created Appreciating Interest initially to help my teenage sister create a budget and financial plan after starting her first job.


“Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.”
Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

Our goal here is not to focus on what other people are doing: how much others make, what they choose to spend their money on, or even what they do with their time. The truth is, we have no control over other people; spending energy trying to ‘keep up with the Joneses’ is energy that cannot be used to further your own interests. Plus, you may not even want the lifestyle they live when you find out what it truly costs to ‘look’ rich. If you spend all day trying to impress others, you surrender your power to be happy - your happiness is now based on someone else’s decision whether to give you the validation you are seeking.