My Interests (Jan 10-16)
Hello! Welcome back to Appreciating Interest.
This week’s focus is on the interests themselves which play such a crucial role in living a passionate life. There are two major points that I’m focused on, and the highly relate to one another.
Communicating effectively with purpose
Improving inefficiencies
It is easy to break everything else I do into one or both of these two points. For example, I am building this website because I want to share what I’ve learned about personal finances to anyone who feels lost in their own journey. And Appreciating Interest is all about being conscious with your financial actions in order to spend less time on your disinterests and far more time enjoying yourself. There is so much more in store, but you can’t appreciate anything if you’re focused on everything!
Updates from last weeks post:
I finally got my Experian Rating into the ‘Good’ range
I have enough saved up for my rent payment for February (This is the first time I have the money before the final paycheck of the month!)
Upcoming week’s goals:
I will pay off my Balance transfer card in it’s entirety!
Assess 2020’s finances
Plan 2021’s budget
Release video of my interests
Plan the release of videos for the future, including: my starting net worth, planning for a trip, saving for a purchase, my plan to get out of debt, plus many more!