Alex Holden Alex Holden

In Closing: A New Beginning

Much is made about the agreed-upon end of each year, and this 12/31 is not an exception. For many, the first of January is like freshly fallen snow, endless opportunity for a new direction, a new purpose, even a different lifestyle. But instead of casting a broad net to change every flawed aspect you perceive, I urge you to change marginally. Inertia is just as potent mentally as physically; you can expend so much effort to enact sweeping self-reformation that by the time the ball gets rolling, you have no effort to maintain momentum.

For me, that marginal change is one weekly post for the month of January. I have struggled mightily in finding my voice, but if there’s one lesson from 2020 that I’ve learned is that the cost of me not speaking up is often far greater than the cost of my discomfort in the moment. Herein is my promise to myself, shared publicly to cement it’s existence: I will fail. I will fail often and I will fail spectacularly and I will fail again. I will learn each and every time and improve on my failures as I craft my message: Life is meant to be lived, and money is but a means to this end.

I want you to appreciate interest as much as I do. Its simple once you’ve started because you either continue, being interested further, or you discontinue pursuing that interest. You can’t know until you try, and so here’s me trying!

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